Here are some links that you might find helpful for prayer and reflection during this time. has a daily televised mass. Also to be found on
Parish Facebook Page
Here is the Link to our Whangarei Parish Facebook page
Whangarei Parish Facebook Page
Resources for praying at home
Link to more resources for praying at home Auckland Diocese Website
Auckland Diocese: Resource Page Deepening our Faith
Link to resource page The Church and Covid 19
Auckland Diocesan Newsletter CDA Connect
For an example of the Domestic Church in action with families praying together St Anne’s, Manurewa have created
Other Links.
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Catholic Bishops of New Zealand
Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Catholic Dioceses all around the world
Catholic Dioceses and Parishes in New Zealand
Catholic Discipleship College
Catholic Institute of Theology
Faith Central
Good Shepherd Theological College
Liturgy Centre
Marist Sisters
Pleroma Christian Supplies
Sacred Space
St Vincent de Paul
The Catholic Church in Aotearoa
The Code of Canon Law
The Tablet
The Vatican