Group Details: Contact Parish Office for Information. Leader couple are Ben and Jane Lim.
Group Details: Each Wednesday pray a Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 6pm at St Francis Xavier Church. Gather to Celebrate Mass in a language of the Philippines at 5pm* on the fifth Sunday of the Month at St Francis Xavier Church. (*check the Parish weekly bulletin of ask at the office to confirm the start time: these special Masses are held about four times each year)
Group Details: Celebrate Mass at St Francis Xavier Church at 6pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Group Details: For ages 8 to 12 years. Meet fortnightly in the Parish Hall 5:30pm-7pm Phone the Parish office for further details 437 7902
Group Details: For returning Catholics, Meeting Details: during the year, 7pm in our Church. Phone the Parish Office for further information 437 7902
Group Details: Maori Catholics, Meeting Details: 1st Sunday of the month at 12 noon in the Parish Hall. The Maori community meet for Himene practice on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm in the gathering area of our Church. All welcome.
Group Details: Preschool playgroup….All are very welcome to join us…..Gold coin donation Meeting Details: Every Tuesday during school term / Time: 9am-11.30am in the Parish Hall
Group Details: Social Justice awareness, advocacy and study group Meeting Details: Eymard House.1st Monday of the month / Time: 7pm
Group Details: Married Couples Group Meeting Details: 3rd Tuesday of the month / Time: 7:30pm Contact office for further information
Group Details: Fellowship for Catholic Men Meeting Details: 3rd Wednesday of the month / Time: 7:30pm. Phone the Parish Office for further information
Group Details: Prayer and Reflection Devotional Group Meeting Details: Every Friday, Side Chapel in our Church / Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm
Group Details: For those practicing and learning how to meditate Meeting details: Monday Owhiwa Road 7-8pm / Wednesday Eymard House 7.30 – 8.30pm
Group Details: Group for Catholic Women, Meeting Details: Parish Hall, 1st Friday of month / Time: 9:45am-12 noon.
Group Details: Parish Youth Group for Teens. Meeting Details: Parish Hall every Friday during term time, 7pm - 9pm